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Noel has survived another deadly disease flare

Noel is 9 years old and lives in sub-Saharan Africa’s largest slum Kibera / Nairobi. Her father was killed during the 2008 election unrest in Nairobi as a bystander in the street, so that the mother now has to pay for their two daughters (9 and 13 years). With up to 80% unemployment in Nairobi this is no easy task: underpaid, hard work (washing, cleaning), often without free weekend are the consequences.

All of this would be somehow bearable but Noel suffers from a blood disease – sickle cell anemia.
Sickle cell anemia is caused by a genetic deficiency, in which the increased breakdown of red blood cells is caused by a congenital malformation of the hemoglobin. The disease is inherited.

Homozygous / homozygous carriers of the trait as Noel develop already during infancy first symptoms of the disease. This leads to severe acute pain, which is caused by vascular blockages in the various organs. The resultant oxygen deficiency leads to tissue destruction.

The disease is characterized by episodic, acute anemic crisis and vessel occlusions as well as by recurring temporary standstill of hematopoiesis and increased susceptibility to infection. Infections and lack of oxygen can cause such crises.

Vessel blockage can lead to destruction of tissue (infarction) and is resulting in impairment in various organs, e.g. in the rain, the lungs and the heart.

Noel had such a crisis some time ago.

Through your donations Noel was treated successfully in a hospital with antibiotics, blood transfusions, potent painkillers and intravenous fluids (to prevent acute renal failure).

Re-occurring painful flare-ups and the associated necessary treatment are a huge burden to the already tight household budgets of the family.

Noel – in the photo still with the yellow sclera of the disease-related jaundice – extends a warm thank you to you. Probaly she would not have survived this without your help.

Thank you very much!

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