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A heart valve for Juma Shaban


Country: Kenya
City: Nairobi
Zur Person
Name: Juma Shaban
Birthplace: unknown
Birthdate: 20.08.1998

Social Situation:

Juma Shaban is 15 years old and lives with his two brothers in his single mother as a member of the Nubian community in Kibera slum in Nairobi. At school he can attend only irregularly and increasingly rare because of its disease. He is sick and weak – Why?

Medical Problem:

It all began in 2009 with increasing shortness of breath, swelling in both lower legs and increasing physical exhaustion.

A cardiologist diagnosed a severe valvular heart disease. The subsequently performed cardiac surgery didn’t bring the desired success. His condition has not improved. The expensive drugs for their purchase his mother works hard every day, but even so she cannot buy regularly, beside that the medication won’t help him in the medium term anymore.

Dotty, our Kenyan staff, heard of his fate and informed TULISA about this tragic case.

We would like to finance a new, professional heart valve surgery and are hopeful of a successful outcome as in our previous heart patients Helen and Samuel (see “Success Stories”).

TULISA asks for your support so that Juma can survive.

Thank you very much!

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