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Nuhu darf endlich ein richtiger Junge sein!

Gute Nachrichten aus „The Nest“:

Erinnern Sie sich denn noch an Nuhu?
Der schwer unternährte 12jährigen Junge wurde im letzten November notfallmäßig von unserer Partner-Einrichtung, dem Waisenheim THE NEST, in Nairobi aufgenommen. Nuhu konnte nicht richtig sprechen, wurde zunächst als ausgesetztes Kind vor 2 Jahren vom Jugendamt in einem Untersuchungsgefängnis(!) abgeliefert. Offiziell ist es nicht erlaubt, Kinder in ein Gefängnis zu stecken und das Jugendamt hätte schon längst einen Platz in einem Heim für ihn finden müssen. Im Gefängnis hatte man ihn extrem vernachlässigt bis er total unterernährt und schwer krank wurde.

Es bestand Verdacht auf Mengingitis: Nuhu litt an hohem Fieber und Krampfanfällen sowie an tiefe offene durchgelegene Stellen an den Hüftknochen. Hinzu kamen eine blutende Wunde am Kopf und geschwollene Hände (die evtl. durch Schläge verursacht wurden). Und es gibt zu allem Übel auch Indizien einer Vergewaltigung. Des Weiteren war er völlig verwahrlost und hilflos. Nuhu ist bislang HIV-negativ getestet. Das ist erfreulich, der Test muss aber in 3 Monaten wiederholt werden, wegen des Vergewaltigungsverdachtes.

Vom Krankenhaus wurde er sozusagen über Nacht in das Waisenhaus „The Nest“ geschickt. Jetzt erhielten wir folgende frohe Nachricht:

In October 2014, we received Nuhu into The NEST Home. He was still very weak, however with much improvement after hospitalization. He was 26Kg by then. Nuhu couldn’t walk or even feed by himself. The Caretakers of the Home were tasked with helping him in these activities. He was carried outside and back into the dorm like a baby!
Since Nuhu couldn’t support himself, he had a challenge of staying at his chair as the other children played around. You could see from his face how he longed to play like everybody else. The Caretakers could only support him and help him walk about as an exercise.
Nuhu, having been severely malnourished, needed meals after every short interval. We therefore had a special diet for him. Again one was supposed to be careful lest Nuhu would overfeed. He always wanted more and more.
Nuhu continued with his Tuberculosis clinics which we sought at a hospital near the Home. To treat the sores on his side, we had to take him to another special hospital where he was booked for surgery. The surgeon was tasked with removing hard stuff from the sores as they healed. This was yet another pain which the boy would bear. Think of the pain during washing.
Step by step Nuhu joined the other children in their play activities. He would slowly walk about, ride on the tri-cycle with support, and nod his head softly to tune as the other children sang. He was even able to feed himself at last.
We gladly report that this boy has healed. He can run, dance, jump, kick a ball, push a trolley, ride on the tri-cycle by himself, and wash himself! The list of activities is longer than the one above.
Nuhu is finally a happy boy! He recorded a weight of 37Kg at the end of June 2015. That is a very great improvement even as noted by the practitioner at his Tuberculosis clinic. The big issue as at now is speech; the problem occasioned by his former surgery on cleft palate. We are seeking for intervention from specialised people in various hospitals, but we haven’t gotten a concrete help. We are also on with investigation and search for Nuhu’s family, and relatives.
Big thanks to all the donors who have made sure Nuhu’s hospital bills are met! God bless you ever!

Wir schließen uns diesen Dankeswünschen an! Herzlichen Dank an alle Spender, Sie haben diese unglaublichen Fortschritte und einen positiven Blick in die Zukunft für den Jungen ermöglicht!

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