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Caren ist leider verstorben

Bei Caren wurde im letzten Jahr Gebärmutterhalskrebs diagnostiziert.
Leider hat Carens Körper trotz Therapie den Krebs nicht besiegen können

Dottie berichtet, dass sich der Krebs auch nach mehreren Radiotherapie-Behandlungen nicht zerstören ließ. Weitere Behandlungen waren leider aussichtslos. Caren wurde daraufhin zu Hause mit Palliativmedizin behandelt und starb an den Folgen ihrer Krebserkrankung.

Dotties Brief zu Carens Behandlung:

She had accomplished 25 radiotherapy sessions at Texas Cancer Center. Unfortunately, the doctor’s recommendations were that she could not benefit from any other treatment.
She has been getting palliative care from the house. From the previous mail, Dirk had suggested she be taken to a facility that provides the same.
The family was reluctant to have her back to hospital but i got information yesterday that she had passed. Funeral arrangements are underway.

R.I.P. Caren. Unser Mitgefühl gilt der Familie und Freunden.

Update vom 26.01.2015
Wie ist hier der Stand der Dinge?

Dottie unsere Krankenschwester in Kibera berichtet:

Caren was diagnosed with Cervical cancer. She presented with severe vaginal bleeding, abdominal tenderness was anaemic, with obvious general weakness.
Seen by the doctor at Texas Cancer center, was recommendation of urgent intervention. 2 weeks later Caren was worse with a Hemoglobin level of 2g/dl  and elevated Blood pressure.
She was admitted on 8.12.2014 as i struggled to get blood which she needed up to 13 units as i had indicated in the previous mails.
She eventually got enough and with stabilized blood pressure, she managed to have radiotherapy markings on the 17.12.2014 and began radiotherapy sessions.
She was discharged on 30.12.2014 and continuing therapy from home. She is on Ranferon,Antibiotics, pain killers among other drugs.
The bleeding has stopped but she is having continuous watery discharge which she has to use adult pampers,fortunately provided by the hospital.
She is weak but the doctor says she is doing well.
I am somehow drained by this exercise as i have to pick both her and Pamela very early in the morning to be able to manage traffic and also beat the large number of other patients going for the same services. A times they are too weak to prepare themselves and so i have to help them.
Sometimes the machine breaks down and we have to wait until it is fixed or the number is big so we end up waiting almost the whole day. 
All the same She has had 12 sessions of the 25 she is expected to have.
We hope for the best,

Wir hoffen das Beste und halten Sie auf dem Laufenden!

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